Cette Sénégalaise a eu la surprise de sa vie. Vivant aux États-Unis, elle a reçu la somme de 5 millions de Fcfa en guise de cadeau. Les étudiants de l'université qui l’emploie comme restauratrice ont rassemblé ladite somme pour lui permettre de réaliser son rêve de venir en vacances dans son pays.
Lien pour la vidéo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH0GOsdhwQw
Lunch Lady From Senegal Left In Tears When Student Hands Her An Envelope
Sometimes people never know how much of an impression they make on others. But, luckily for one cafeteria worker, she knows exactly what she means to the students she interacts with on a daily basis. In fact, she left such a lasting impression on one student, he decided to return the favor. Now, their story is going viral for the most heartfelt reason.
A Familiar Face: Jake Gordon, a student at Muhlenberg College, would often see Awa when he visited the cafeteria on campus. The small college comes with the advantage of forging close bonds and friendships with many people and that’s exactly what happened to Jake and Awa. Like many freshmen, Jake struggled through finals and suffered bouts with stress in hopes of making the grades he desired. Then, to make matters worse, he was also sick. But, Awa turned out to be a glimmer of hope with one kind gesture. She took the time to write him an uplifting holiday card. Over his next three years in college, their friendship blossomed. “Awa brings so much optimism and enthusiasm with her to work every day that her attitude is infectious,” Jake said. “You can’t help but smile around her.”
A Thought-Provoking Discovery: Out of curiosity, one day Jake asked Awa what she does the semesters are over. She revealed she works to save money so she can go to visit family in Senegal. Jake took her words into consideration and finally came up with a way to repay her for her kindness over the years. He decided to raise money for her trip to Senegal.
With the help of his fraternity, Alpha Tau Omega, and his girlfriend, Shira, he set up a GoFundMe account and the rest is history. As news of the fundraiser spread around campus, they were able to get the job done in just six days. The Big Surprise: Like the holiday card Awa had given Jake, he approached her with a card of his own. Needless to say, Awa was left speechless when she learned Jake had raised $10,000 just for her to visit her family. “It was such a fantastic experience to see the community rally together to support an amazing cause,” Jake said. “We wanted to reward Awa for always being an amazing person and brightening all of our lives.
By: www. theblackloop.com